
About Me

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Denver, CO, United States
Adventurer, wanderer, explorer extraordinaire. I love travel, yoga, photography, and cooking. I often pretend like I'm crafty, have a black rescue cat. This is the chronicling of my life from recent college grad with a degree in my pocket (with honors, thank you very much) and no immediate job prospects on the horizon--That little tidbit could be due to the fact that my boyfriend and I recently decided one day over cereal, "Hey! You know what would be a good idea? How about we uproot our stable lives, quit our jobs and move to Denver?!" And so we did. Just like that. We left the comfort of our 1100sq ft home and all our friends, ceremoniously quit our jobs and hit the road. One U-Haul, two cars, and one storage unit later, here we are! Livin' the dream in a cousin's basement and trolling the interwebs for employment in search for a better life in the Mile High City--To present day where we are living the dream in West Wash Park and planning our wedding after 3 wonderful and eventful years, in the 303.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

4 day weekend follies

So, it's Tuesday. I've made it out on the other side of the long weekend safely, and with my liver mostly intact. It's been a busy weekend full of adventures!

Friday 4/25
I had a spectacular interview and was feeling great, ready to kick off the weekend with energy and pizzaz!  I decided to forgo my usual evening yoga class in favor of a celebratory trip to the Renegade Food Truck Fair. Money is hard to come by these days, but I wasn't feeling too anxious as admission was free and where I come from, cart food is cheap. In New York you can get a bagel and coffee for $1.25 or you can get a phenomenal falafel for $3.  In Denver, you can get cheese fries for $7 or a mini pizza for $10. I did not see one thing on the menu that was under $6-except the cupcake, which was a mere $4- so I decided to indulge in the dinner of champions. My boyfriend and I split a disappointing side of green chili cheese fries and each had a few beers, trading off who bought the next round. Despite the ill success of the culinary aspect of the evening, we still had a wonderful time enjoying eachother's company and the warmth of the summer night, inhaling the smell of kitchen grease, and watching the Rockies game on the big screen. Even if I wasn't able to make out like a bandit with some of Stubens fried brussel sprouts (side note: should toats be on the mobile food truck menu!) the evening was a blast.

Saturday 4/26
Uneventful day at children's birthday party.

Sunday 4/27
This was an interesting day. It began nicely enough, doing some yard work around the house and battling hoards of flesh hungry ants. Then the time had come. The dreaded and appointed hour. We had been invited to a house party for a friend of ours from high school who had also recently moved and was celebrating his one year anniversary of life in the 303. Did I mention that also in attendance at this party was an ex-boyfriend of mine who I hadn't seen or spoken to since our not-so-pretty breakup Senior year of high school? Um, yeah. The level of awkwardness cannot be overstated here, ladies and gents. When I was able to restrain my contempt to a socially acceptable level, we briefly exchanged polite niceties before quickly parting ways again, which was fine by me as in my belief Ex's are to be treated as The Doctor would treat a Dalek (for you non Who nerds that means to be kept at a distance with minimal contact and regarded with general distrust). I was slightly disappointed that I didn't walk away having made a slew of new friends as I had hoped. It was however, nice to see our friend and get out of the house a bit. And, I learned that I can't keep expecting that everyone I meet will magically, instantaneously become my new closest friend who will go on shopping trips with me or spend Thursday nights  eating Ben and Jerry's from the carton with while watching old SATC re-runs with me. Maybe, just this once I need to stop expecting so much of everyone around me, just let go, and enjoy the ride....

Monday 4/28
More yard work, followed by an afternoon in Wash Park. I had organized my first Denver get-together and was a bit anxious as to how it would turn out. The turnout was small, as most everyone was still recovering from their partying the night before. I broke the bank at Whole Foods for some picnic snacks, we grabbed the sun shade (best invention ever!) blanket, and headed out. As usual, the park was packed! But, this time we knew where to go and were able to get a good spot by the nets, where we eventually ended up playing volleyball with a few nice random strangers who hit it off with some members of our group. While the motley crue that did turn out wasn't quite what I expected, we still enjoyed a lovely day in the grass under the shade, played a few rounds of ball, and had some good food. So, not a total bust. Again, the Universe seemed to be telling me that the more I resisted and insisted on some preconceived notion of perfection, the farther things would drift from that ideal. I am in charge of my own happiness, and the best way to get there is to let go! Relax, and don't hold on so tight.

So, there we are. That was the weekend in a nutshell. Blog fodder at least! I know it's not that interesting, but these are my adventures as I have sworn to document them: with humor, humility and honesty.

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